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How To Write A Song

There’s an interesting way to learn how to write a song.

So if you’re wondering how to become a lyricist, YES, some people learn it very quickly, but these simple steps will lead you in the right direction if you’re just getting started.

Think of it as basic rules, then break the rules to write songs only YOU can create!

Good songwriters can write songs that pull you in emotionally and make it a true experience for the listener.

From the times of colonization, to the moment of reformation and present time, music has been a great part of every civilization, but the process of creating music has greatly developed over time.

We’ve tried to develop finely tuned melodies, more words and stacks, but the success in expressing a person or situation in a song remains stronger than ever.

…and how does it happen? Let’s talk about that now!

The secret to knowing how to write a song:

In fact, song writing is quite a simple method when you’re not pressuring yourself to be 100% perfect with the process.

…but writing a song follows certain rules involving melody, rhythm, lyrics and harmony.

Though you may not have been born as a natural songwriter, there are many methods to learning how to write a song, and songwriting becomes easy when you get inspired.

Generally, there are four basic elements to creating a song:

  • Melody
  • Harmony
  • Rhythm
  • Lyrics

Begin with concentration

It is essential to know what works best.

Many renowned songwriters like Songwriter Peter Gabriel work out the music before writing down the lyrics.

Initially, it may sound like nonsense to get a complete sense of lyrics and music, but later through the process, you’ll see how it works better when carried out this way.

Initially, it happens like scrambling sentences, but a simple study over the works of great composers like Oscar Hammerstein, Robert Hunter, Jerry Garcia and Richard Rogers will help make your experience easier, giving a solid foundation to reference and get inspired from.

As there is a lot of difference between a song and poetry, pull from the same inspiration of writing, and use it in a song. Try to run with it effortlessly.

You may have heard about the process of writing songs and pitching them to top TV shows like American Idol or Film Production companies, expressing your feelings to someone or about something, through your lyrics, is a simple way to deliver your message and allow whoever is listening to get involved right from the first line down to the last. 

Here are a few simple steps to help you in your songwriting experience:

How To Write A Song?

Start with the title of the song

It’s important to create a phrase of five words or less, that relates to the heart of your song.

That’s short enough to make it easy for people to remember, but long enough to make it unique to other song names.

Use action words or words that give a visual reference in your title to make it interesting and give it life.

Now you may not think of a song title immediately, it may not come until AFTER you’ve written the song, but these tips will help you create an attractive title.

Prepare a list of questions suitable for the title

Give questions about what the title means? Why are you saying it and your feelings about it?

This is where at least coming up with the title, can be used as the foundation of the song, even if you choose to change the title later.

…again, understand that there are no concrete rules. Use this as a blueprint, then put the pieces together as you see fit.

Decide on a song arrangement

The most popular song structure is, Verse/ Chorus/ Bridge/ Chorus.

You can start by getting comfortable with this song structure and use it when you come up with song ideas.

A good song structure provides:

1. Variations

2. Current topics or Evergreen topics

This keeps the listeners attracted toward listening to the entire song.

Sufficient repetition is required to make the listeners feel anchored in the song and like they’re following along with the story.

Additionally, you can define the songs’ verses and choruses in the following ways:

  • The melody and chords
  • Change the pace of the words or notes
  • Change the patterns of melodic rhythm

This is all to let the listeners know about the section they’re listening to, without the need to work hard to hear it.

Answer each question in the verse and in the chorus

Choose the question you’d like to answer in the chorus and search for the right words that will provoke action and a visual reference for the listener. This is what helps answer the question and gives the song life.

What emotion are you describing? How does it make you feel? Is it dark or light, warm or cold?

If you get too poetic and romantic, add a line which makes the statement clear so that the listeners don’t get confused or lost.

Try to add more emotion to the lyrics to help the listeners relate.

Focus on the melody in your lyrics

Select the lines which are your favorite for the chorus. Speak the lines loudly and repeat with lots of emotion.

Try to exaggerate the emotions in the lyrics, and notice the natural melody and rhythm.

The best way to learn how to write a song, is by playing with the lyrics until it feels comfortable.

Until it feels like you’ve written the perfect song, with amazing melodies.

Begin to add chorus lines to your chorus tune

Try an easy and simple chord pattern. Play with the chords and melody till you find what you desire.

Record a rough vocal, even if it’s only on your smart device. Just make sure that you get it down so that you don’t forget it!

How To Write A Song? Questions and Answers work well!

Choose a proper question to answer your first verse

Make it one which will draw the listener toward the song and the situation. Follow the same process with your verse, melody and lyrics.

Connect your chorus and verse

After creating a chorus and verse, create a transition between the two for which you may need to increase or reduce your verse melody.

Try to change the last line to get the chorus sounding smooth. Usually, chorus melodies are in a higher range when compared to verses and when you get emotional, your voice rises.

The chorus is the most emotional part of the lyrics of a song, whereas verses add information about the song and situation.

Construct your bridge and second verse

Try to choose other questions to answer the 2nd verse. Move toward using the same process of answering that question in your second chorus.

It can have a similar melody as the first chorus.

Ok wow!! You’ve almost completed your song and need to add a bridge.

Mainly, the bridge adds a highly emotional moment to the song.

So remember that as you structure this part of the song.

Now that you’ve learned how to write a song using very simple steps, allow yourself to use what you’ve learned to discover the best tone and lyrics, then add them properly into the songs’ structure.

The last step in learning how to write a song?

Record your song!

Now comes the next part. Another part of the fun of writing a song.

Try singing it as if you’re looking the person in the eyes and expressing your feelings to them.

Practice in the mirror before you record it and take short breaks to refreshen yourself, allowing yourself to try different ways of delivering the song.

Overall, it’s essential to keep the song and your emotions fresh for a good flow of authenticity.

…and at the end of the day, just have fun and discover the songwriting process AS you’re in it.

Practice makes perfect. In no time you’ll be writing new songs left and right!

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